Past Webinar

Real Estate Tokenization and NFTs

All times in CET (Central European Time)

04.00 pm – Welcome & Introduction
Lodahl Jonas, Business Developer, DigiShares

04.05 pm – Tokenization Industry Status Update and DigiShares Traction
Claus Skaaning, CEO, DigiShares

04.20 pm – NFT : A Brief Overview
Vivian Fang, Honeywell Professor of Accounting, University of Minnesota

04.35 pm – NFTs and Digital Assets
Elizabeth Strickler; Director, Media Entrepreneurship & Innovation Programs | Senior Lecturer; Georgia State University

04.50 pm – Real Estate Tokenization with NFTs
Adam Brown, VP of Sales and Brokerage Relations , Propy Inc.

05.05 pm – Case Study: RenewaBlox
Jake Menard, CFO, RenewaBlox

05.15 pm – Case Study: Stoke
Kylie L. Blasen, CCO, StokeNFT

05.25 am – Fireside Chat & AMA

May 18, 2022

Full Webinar