Real Estate Tokenization

“Our clients tokenize their real estate for three reasons: digitization and automation of processes, fractionalization to reach new types of investors, and the massively increased liquidity.”

— Claus Skaaning, CEO DigiShares

Advantages with DigiShares

Benefits for All

Asset Owner


Platform Operator

Value Proposition for Tokenizing Real Estate

Real estate tokenization is a process in which real estate shares are created as digital tokens on a blockchain. Tokenizing your real estate project can help you raise capital more efficiently by giving investors unprecedented access to private real estate investments, transparency, and liquidity.


• Costly, paper-based, and time-consuming processes
• Almost zero liquidity

Primary Gains

• Digitized and automated processes
• Immediate trading and liquidity (premium: 20-30%)

Secondary Gains

• Ability to fractionalize/democratize
– reduced ticket size
– increased diversification
• Access to new types of investors
• Access to new global infrastructure of investors and secondary liquidity
• Programmable tokenized shares for automation of cross-border transfers,
lock-up periods, dividend payment, etc.
• Smart “functions”: custody, DeFi lending, atomic transfer, etc.
• Increased security by removal of human errors
• Transparency and traceability

DigiShares Platform


Corporate Management


Examples of Tokenized Real Estate Projects

US commercial real estate

US real estate investment and trading platform. For listing of third party projects.

First projects go live in Dec.
Project size between $10-50m.
Legal units in Wyoming

South African real estate

Real estate developer with own and third-party properties.

First 3 projects planned as a mix of finished and pre-construction projects, between $1-20m, and a mix of commercial and retail.


US container houses

Container-based houses in the US, many projects around $200k in size.

Legal units in Wyoming.

US hotel project

Financing of large hotel acquisition, $80-220m. Hotel is underperforming.

Consortium with project manager, lawyers and DigiShares for platform.

Many subsequent projects if first is successful.

Contact us to learn more about real estate tokenization

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